One of the most important steps you can take to help your child with ADHD is to encourage the development of a talent in which they are interested. Often these aptitudes may be in unconventional areas, though athletics are often an area where executive functioning deficits are not as debilitating. Other areas may include:
- Music
- Photography
- Cooking
- Outdoor Activities
- Mechanics
- Technology
- Performing Arts
- Trades
These areas can often be developed into successful careers, though simply pursuing these interests as a hobby can be highly beneficial for self-esteem as well. Additionally, talking to your child about individuals in these professions with ADHD can be inspirational.
The following is a list of resources that can help your child develop their strengths:
- Clubs: Scouts or hobby-specific clubs
- Mentors: The guidance counselor at your child’s school can help you locate an appropriate mentor
- Coaches: Little League, school, travel leagues
- Tutors: School or private, you can also check through local volunteer agencies
- Retail Shop Classes: These can cover a wide range of topics
- Athletic Facilities: YMCA, parks department, or Boys and Girls Clubs
- Apprenticeships: Through local businesses
- Vocational Technical High Schools or Colleges: Focusing on trades or other areas
While parental and caregiver support is critical as well, seeking out these additional resources will help to better ensure success and sustained interest.
Barkley, R.A. (2021). 12 principles for raising a child with ADHD. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.