The Simple View of Reading holds that reading comprehension is a product of language comprehension and word-reading skills. Language comprehension not only includes language skills, but attention, background knowledge, and working memory.
Word-reading skills develop across three levels:
- Letter-Sound Knowledge: letter names and sounds
- Phonic Decoding: combining letter-sound knowledge and blending to sound out unfamiliar words
- Orthographic Mapping: storing written words for automatic retrieval by combining letter-sound knowledge and advanced phonological awareness skills
These skills develop concurrently, with rapid automatic naming abilities also playing a role. As mentioned, advanced phonological awareness skills are required for orthographic mapping. Phonological awareness is the ability to recognize and manipulate the sounds within a language, and also develops in three levels:
- Early phonological awareness: rhyming (e.g., dog, frog, log), alliteration (e.g., crazy cute cat), and breaking words into syllables (e.g., pen-cil)
- Basic phonological awareness: blending (e.g., /s/ /a/ /t/ becomes sat) and segmenting (e.g., sat becomes /s/ /a/ /t/) phonemes (units of sound)
- Advanced phonological awareness: deleting (e.g., sat becomes at), substituting (e.g., sat becomes cat), and reversing phonemes (e.g., tap becomes pat)
Four types of reading problems emerge from the Simple View of Reading:
- Dyslexia: weak word-reading, but average or better language comprehension
- Hyperlexia: average or better word-reading, but weak language comprehension
- Mixed Type: weak word-reading and language comprehension
- Compensator Type: reading comprehension is significantly below strong language comprehension (but still in the average range) due to weak word-reading
To develop word-reading skills, instruction must focus on teaching letter-sound knowledge and phonological awareness skills (to the advanced level). This process allows for the study of words to connect their sound to their spelling, resulting in automatic recognition.Â
Kilpatrick, D. (2015). Essentials of assessing, preventing, and overcoming reading difficulties. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.